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Kube Project

Welcome to the Kube Project. This project aims to alleviate the pain of setting up a Kubernetes project with a lot of moving parts.

The project includes a Tilt file that can spin up the entire stack from zero without you having to do anything. From there, you can explore the cluster components, which, for simplicities sake, aren't that many.

To start up the whole project, clone all the repositories next to each other ( except for the documentation ).

Then run from the tilt project:

tilt up

And that's it. In a couple of moments, you should see something like this:


In the following sections and guides, we will break down what you see. How the components all work together. How each element communicates using a different format. And how those services are set up.

But first, let's take a look at the basic Kubernetes building blocks that make up this whole collection.